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YW Kitchener-Waterloo partners with the University of Waterloo and Uvaro to offer job-ready skills for women and gender diverse individuals
The YW KW’s Integrated Holistic Career Services (IHCS) team will augment career training, offering further support to women and gender-diverse individuals throughout the 16-week program.
“We are partnering with startups and educational institutions, elevating our collaboration with pivotal partners to enhance women’s economic prosperity. The shift in the future of work and learning is being created right now,” said Tanja Gancevich, YW IHCS program coordinator.
“The YW Kitchener Waterloo is proud to join in partnership with WatSPEED and Uvaro to offer valuable real-world experience and job-ready skills for women and gender diverse individuals, meeting our vision to empower those we serve to choose change,” said Christine Michaud, YWKW Director of Community Engagement and Programs.
Footnotes Summer 2022
Welcome to our summer newsletter for 2022! We are so excited to share our Footnotes Newsletter with you!
Heffner Women's Leadership event - 60 in 60: Women in Business Event Review
The Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce's "Heffner Women's Leadership event - 60 in 60: Women in Business" was such a great event that I thought it may be a great resource for our team and beyond! Scroll down for the replay of this marvellous 1 hour presentation celebrating our local leaders. I attended this event to learn about local women entrepreneurs and the lessons learned in their career trajectories. Everyone has leadership qualities, learning to trust yourself and embrace the challenges you face is what I was hoping to learn. My key take aways.... Learn, Lean In, get comfortable with being...
McMaster Continuing Education partners with the YWCA to help women launch into tech roles
YW Kitchener-Waterloo partners with McMaster University Continuing Education to help women launch into tech roles through a fully funded certificate program KITCHENER, ON, September 23, 2021 – The YWCA Kitchener-Waterloo’s (YWKW) innovative employment training program, In Her Shoes, has partnered with McMaster University Continuing Education to offer its YWCA Reskilling Uplift in Specialized Technology initiative. Uplift is a virtual program whereby learners receive a Certificate of Professional Learning in Data Analytics from McMaster University Continuing Education. The first cohort of classes is set to begin on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 and will run on a part-time basis until July 2022. The...