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YW Kitchener-Waterloo partners with the University of Waterloo and Uvaro to offer job-ready skills for women and gender diverse individuals
The YW KW’s Integrated Holistic Career Services (IHCS) team will augment career training, offering further support to women and gender-diverse individuals throughout the 16-week program.
“We are partnering with startups and educational institutions, elevating our collaboration with pivotal partners to enhance women’s economic prosperity. The shift in the future of work and learning is being created right now,” said Tanja Gancevich, YW IHCS program coordinator.
“The YW Kitchener Waterloo is proud to join in partnership with WatSPEED and Uvaro to offer valuable real-world experience and job-ready skills for women and gender diverse individuals, meeting our vision to empower those we serve to choose change,” said Christine Michaud, YWKW Director of Community Engagement and Programs.